Eat more chocolate.

new-years-eve_bannerLet our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.
-Goran Perrson
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
-Abraham Lincoln
Happy Happy!!!!! It’s that time of year!
This week, many of us will make New Year’s Resolutions! (I LOVE LOVE LOVE setting goals. I evaluate them at least every 6 months.)

No joke (sort of): My first resolution is ALWAYS to eat more chocolate. (And I am always successful!!! Shocking, right??!!!)

Here are a few more serious resolutions that have worked for me:

1. Make time for writing…even five minutes a day. 
Do you have a full time job? Small kids at home? Other responsibilities? Then don’t make a resolution to write 5,000 words a day. That will only get you down. Instead: be realistic. Make a promise to write 2 pages a day. Or nine lines! Commit to a time of day when you can realistically sit down and get some words on paper. Your job is to write. And READ. You will be surprised how fast consistency pays off.

2. Keep a journal. Not a diary. A writing journal. This will help you know what works for you….and what doesn’t. (Silence works for me. Silence and writing in the morning.) Perhaps you write more after a walk. Or yoga. Or in a coffee shop. Or you hate noise. Or you can’t write until the dishes are done. The writing journal can help you know yourself. That is a priceless gift.

3. Try a new genre. 
Tired of your manuscripts? Stuck shuffling words? Try a new genre. With lower expectations, a new genre can help you break free of writer’s block.

4. TAKE A CLASS. With me!!!! I’d love it!!!! Or someone else! (I won’t be insulted!!!) There’s nothing better than talking about the craft. Plus: a new set of eyes will help you get a handle on a new revision.

5. The business of writing can be overwhelming, so take joy in your work. Be easier on yourself. Celebrate all your milestones. Thank yourself for accomplishing something that most people only talk about. Know that there are readers out there who need your stories. And if you need a pat on the back, know you are not alone. I have loved hearing from so many of you this year! It really helps my process to know that these posts are motivating.

So STRETCH and make those resolutions! Make a commitment to your writing. Share it with your family, so they can help you make this the best year yet.

I can’t help but believe this will be a magical year.
Now…..Throw confetti!!!!! 

xoxox sarah

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